
Setting up Visual Knight with CodeceptJS

Working project setup with CodeceptJS is required!

If you have no working setup with CodeceptJS please follow this link: https://codecept.io/quickstart/

Install the Visual Knight CodeceptJS extension:

$ npm install @visual-knight/codeceptjs -D 

After the installation you need just to put an extra helper to the CodeceptJS configuration:

    "helpers": {
        "VisualKnight": {
            "require": "@visual-knight/codeceptjs",
            "key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
            "project": "YOUR_PROJECT_ID OR PROJECT_NAME",
            // more can be found in the core documentation

Where can i find my API_KEY?

If the PROJECT_ID or name does not exist, we create for you a project based on your value

  1. Go to your profile

  2. Click on the button "Api Key" under your avatar to copy the key to your clipboard

For more details about CodeceptJS integration go to the adapter page.

Last updated